Ages: 3-5 years
Ratio: 10 children to 1 teacher
Capacity when Full: 20 children
Tuition: $1,132 per month*
*BDLC Accepts On My Way Pre-K Vouchers, and is an MCCSC Community Partner offering discounted Pre-K.
About the Classroom:
The Turtle room is the last step before kindergarten. We blend teaching pre kindergarten skills with helping the children practice freedom of choice and independence. In the Turtle classroom there are several areas that support open ended play and exploration. We have reading materials in every area to support and extend learning for our students. You will find materials that engage children in science, literacy, math, creativity, imaginative play, music, movement, and sensory exploration.
"Building your child’s social & emotional skills, independence, and self help is our priority."
In the Turtle Room there are many materials that allow the children to manipulate and explore in different ways. We rotate things on a regular basis so the children are being offered new and unique perspectives. Common play materials in this room are: cork blocks, unit blocks, Magna Tiles, transparent and iridescent objects for the light table, cones and dancing ribbons, dinosaurs, and floor puzzles. At BDLC, the list of materials available to the Turtle teachers is nearly endless. Each activity provides learning objectives in different skill sets. For example a child building with magna tiles on the light table is working on math and geometry, spatial awareness, science, sensory, and literacy. This approach is applied throughout the classroom.
The cadence of the Turtles room is a blend of predictable routine and flexibility so that children with all personalities are comfortable. Social and emotional development is the main focus in the Turtle room. We model problem solving and sympathizing by talking about our emotions. We believe all emotions should be felt and respected and work with the children on self regulation through identifying those emotions and expressing themselves in a safe and supportive environment.
A Turtle's Day:
Drop-off and Free play
Open ended play through child led exploration.
Breakfast time is incorporated into the morning ritual and mixed in with play time.
Indoor/Outdoor Play
Group stories and circle time is offered. Children are encouraged to participate if they so choose and to play in other areas of the room if they'd prefer.
We move outside to the large playground as much as possible, weather permitting.
Lunch is eaten either in the classroom or outside.
Story Time
Following lunch we offer story time as we wind down to rest.
Rest Time
Turtles are offered the opportunity to rest on a cot. They may bring books and small toys to their cot for quiet, individual play.
Turtles can help pack up their things which makes pickup time a breeze. They may even have some art to bring home!
Turtle Skills:
Social Development
Emotional Development
Problem Solving
Pre-kindergarten cognitive and literacy skills through hands-on experiences
Learning to feel and respect emotions in ourselves and others
Self regulation through safe self expression